Ways How Individuals and Companies Can Promote A Respectful Workplace
The Facts
A respectful workplace is defined as a healthy interactive environment where all employees are treated fair and square, diversity and differences in opinions are valued and acknowledged, civil conduct is encouraged, and a culture of empowerment and cooperation is followed.
What do You mean by Being Respectful in a Workplace?
In simple terms, respect is the way of treating others the way you wish to be treated. Self-respect is a person's primary aspect in his/her life that paves the way for self-esteem and self-gratification. Respect in a relationship builds feelings of trust, loyalty, safety, and wellbeing.
Creating a respectful environment starts with showing appreciation to one another for their traits or qualities and treating them with dignity and gratitude. Treating people with respect automatically promotes teamwork, increases productivity, develops a positive work culture, and ultimately leads to the success of the organization.
Impact of Respect at the Workplace
- Employees are significantly engaged in their daily activities and deliver top-notch performances in a respectful workplace.
- Respect promotes employee retention by contributing to job satisfaction.
- Respect helps to develop a culture of transparency and promotes a sense of commitment to the company.
- A respectful environment fosters trust, encourages employees to take reasonable risks, and increases collaborative efforts.
- A respectful and civilized workplace facilitates freedom of speech and creativity.
Key Statistics on Civilized Behavior and a Respectful Workplace
Let us focus on statistical features to understand the importance of establishing a respectful workplace.
According to a poll answered by eight hundred managers and employees across seventeen industries, the following was noted:
- 48% intentionally decreased their work effort
- 47% intentionally decreased their time spent at the workplace
- 80% lost work time worrying about their unpleasant incidents
- 78% said their commitment to the company declined
- 63% lost work time avoiding the offender
- 12% said they left their job due to incivility
- 25% took their frustration out on customers.
How Can Individuals Promote a Respectable Workplace?
- Encouraging Fellow Employees
Everyone has different opinions and comes up with various ideas but fails to express them in an uncomfortable workplace. You can initiate a change by being the first person to share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and also encourage others to do the same. This can create a comfortable atmosphere by establishing interactive sessions and free communications without any hesitation.
- Being Intentional
When you decide to be intentional, you choose to respond to a situation rather than react to it. You choose to acknowledge your prefrontal cortex instead of your amygdala. Being intentional brings healthy relationships at the workplace and in your life as well. Thinking once before you speak or do an action can make you understand that not every stressful situation requires a "fight or flight" response.
- Striving Better
Once you start to be responsible and complete each task and assignment within the deadline, others are bound to follow in your footsteps. They automatically understand their responsibility and develop a high level of accountability. This further contributes to earning respect from your superiors and getting incentives as an appreciation for your performance.
- Recognizing Effort
Employees tend to perform their tasks to the best of their abilities when they feel acknowledged and appreciated for their performance. You can help people work better than before by recognizing their efforts, encouraging their efficiency, and making the office a better place.
- Empowering Positivity
Start by focusing on the good things, practicing gratitude, spending time with positive people, practicing positive self-talk, and reducing unnecessary stress. Begin treating people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness. Always have something positive to say about people and emphasize positivity everywhere you go. Never use words that may hurt a person's dignity, and always be careful of your tone of voice, body language, and way of interaction.
How Can Companies Promote a Respectable Workplace?
- Leading by Example
Corporate officials and business leaders have the potential and the authority to implement appropriate conduct and encourage positive behaviors in the workplace. Employees and workers tend to follow their leaders and get inspired by their actions. This can promote respect, build confidence within the environment, and provide diverse people to speak their minds.
- Promote Diversity and Inclusion
The pillars of a respectful workplace are established by the practice of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Framing policies that adhere to diversity and inclusion practices can help to cultivate values and develop a civilized culture among individuals and co-workers. By implementing diversity policies at the workplace and considering it as creating a respectful workplace mission statement, companies and organizations can be committed to laying a foundation for valuing every individual employed.
- Promoting Anti-bullying Laws
There are various occurrences of discrimination and harassment at the workplace.
Harassment may be:
- Verbal by using criticizing words, demeaning remarks, and offensive gestures,
- Psychological by affecting a person's mental health by undermining his/her value,
- Digital by resorting to cyberbullying via social media and making false allegations online,
- Physical by assault, damaging personal property, and threats of violence,
- Sexual by asking for sexual favors, making sexual jokes, and inappropriate touching.
Companies need to strictly implement anti-harassment policies and anti-bullying laws to facilitate employee protection and enable individuals to be treated with courtesy, politeness, and kindness.
- Establishing Accountability and Communication
An organization is accountable for ensuring respect and dignity in the workplace. A respectful workplace has to be developed at every level by modeling expected behavior, developing a diversity and inclusion committee, and promoting communication by establishing clear channels for reporting and follow-through of any unpleasant happenings or experiences. An unbiased investigation should be conducted, and the guilty should be severely punished for violating the company policies.
- Updating Policies and Procedures
Promoting a positive workplace culture begins with initiating and developing several policies and procedures to acknowledge respect and emphasize positive practices. Updated policies can eliminate unconscious bias and include diversity practices for contributing to the welfare of employees with different cultures, religions, beliefs, and social-economic levels. Various areas that need focus are hiring practices, pay practices, promotional procedures, and performance management.
- Initiating Respectful Workplace Training
Workplace training can help employees from different backgrounds, work histories, and personal experiences come together, appreciate each other's perspectives, and respect cultural differences. Training programs cover every aspect of how a respectful workplace has to operate such as diversity, equity, inclusion, harassment, and so much more. Training sessions can build awareness, develop better interaction, share opinions freely, and contribute to a healthy environment.
A few tips on workplace training are:
- Include the organization’s culture and demographics
- Use various elements and games to better understand the scenario
- Focus more on developing proactive behavior
- Encourage employees to speak out their ideas, thoughts, and opinions
- Incorporate bystander intervention techniques and examples
Final Thoughts
Respect is the golden rule that needs to be implemented at any place. Businesses and organizations that frame strong policies and treat their employees with respect tend to thrive in the long run. Showing respect is essential to stimulate people, motivate them to perform better, engage in interactive sessions, and develop a stronger sense of commitment toward the company. Establishing mutual respect increases productivity, reduces stress and conflict, and develops healthy relationships.