Got LMS? Deliver online prevention and compliance training at scale.

Assign, remind, analyze, integrate.

An LMS built for workplaces

Use Impactly’s training platform to assign and track courses or integrate with your LMS via SCORM/AICC.
Integration options through Single Sign On (SSO), HRIS, SCORM, AICC and xAPI.
Configurable dashboard for real-time course completion tracking.
Fully customizable data field and attribute configurations.
Alternative training options for employees without email or computer access.
Integrated policy acknowledgment, tracking, and reporting.
Private label options for corporate branding within courses, notifications and LMS.

Notifications and Reminders

Get Impactly’s advanced notification feature lets your institution take full control over the course assignment process. From customize emails and subject lines to advanced cohort based automations and reminders.
ress, subject line, and email body.

Course assignment emails can be automated for any frequency and population. All notifications and reminders contain a Magic Link for a seamless "Start Now" experience for your learners-- whether they are just starting or returning to complete a course.

Reporting Options

Get Impactly's LMS provides 24/7 real-time reporting.

This includes completion and progress rates by audience and course, as well as policy acknowledgement tracking.

In addition to generating manual reports directly through the LMS, we can also configure automated progress reports directly to your inbox.

Both the manual and automated reports include a PDF Executive Summary as well as the Excel attachment containing the granular learner data.

Policy Tracking and SCORM Hosting

Get Impactly’s powerful LMS can be leveraged for other 3rd party SCORM content.

If you have internally developed training or training from another vendor that is SCORM compatible, we can host them through the Get Impactly LMS.

Any hosted course would then become assignable and trackable in the dashboard like any other Get Impactly course.

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frequently asked questions

How long does it take to implement the Get Impactly LMS?
We can implement and launch courses in a matter of days, if needed. Most implementations take between 4 and 6 weeks.
Do we have to use the Get Impactly LMS to deploy Get Impactly courses?
No, we can easily integrate with your existing LMS via SCORM/AICC.
Can we speak with other companies that have successfully migrated to Get Impactly?
Of course! As part of your evaluation process you can expect to speak with existing customers about their migration.
Does Get Impactly have experience delivering training to large companies?
Yes, absolutely! Get Inclusive is the training vendor of choice for several large companies.
Can Get Impactly help automate assignments to employees?
Yes, absolutely! We offer SFTP, API and SSO integrations to assist with automating many aspects of user management including: add/updating/deleting of users as well as course assignments.