Unethical Behavior: 6 Effective Ways To Prevent It
The Facts
Unethical behavior is when a person, a professional, or an industry does anything that is considered unacceptable because they are against the social norms. Individuals, businesses, professions, and politicians may all engage in unethical behavior.
What is Unethical Behavior in a Workplace?
Any illegal behaviors, such as stealing or assaulting coworkers, are unethical in the workplace. However, unethical behavior can encompass a far larger range of activities, such as willful breaches of business regulations or the use of hard-sell sales tactics that, although technically lawful, take unfair advantage of human frailties. Unethical behavior may be seen in many sorts of enterprises and a variety of settings.
Workplace Unethical Behavior: What are the Different Types
- Intentional dishonesty in the workplace
Claiming credit for someone else's work, calling in ill to go to the beach, undermining someone else's job, and, in sales, misrepresenting the product or service to obtain the sale are all examples of deliberate deceit in the workplace. Other examples of purposeful deceit exist, but they illustrate how destructive deception can be when it is used to undermine a person's rights and security.
- Conscience violation
Your sales boss summons you to his office and threatens to fire you unless you sell 50 huge toasters during the next two weeks. You're well aware that giant toasters are poor items, therefore you've been recommending little toasters to your consumers. To retain your job, you must go against your morals and advise your clients to purchase the huge toasters. Your supervisor is acting unethically by pressuring you to do something you know is illegal while also risking your job and maybe losing key customers to accomplish a product sales goal.
- Failure to keep promises
If you complete an important assignment by a specific date, your employer promises you an extra day off. You labor long hours and complete the job ahead of schedule. You suggest your day off to your employer, who replies, "No, we have too much work to accomplish."
Your supervisor acted unethically, ensuring your suspicion and refusal to assist in department emergencies in the future. Furthermore, you are likely to complain to your coworkers, prompting them to doubt the boss's assurances and refuse to comply with his requirements.
- Theft and other illegal activities
Workers who cheat the organization by stealing items for individual use or inflating their expense accounts are involved in unethical activities. If a corporation chooses to ignore such theft to keep employee morale high by not terminating a popular employee, other employees will steal to feel like they are receiving the same deal as their coworkers.
Management/Employer’s Unethical Behaviors
Employees aren't the only ones who need to be concerned about workplace ethics. Employers are likewise subject to workplace ethics and may face legal action if they engage in unethical activity.
- Job/Promotional Sex
Managers, bosses, and key decision-makers frequently exploit their positions in the company to influence hiring decisions in return for sex.
- Unpaid Overtime/Late Night Out
Some businesses take advantage of desperate job searchers and a tight labor market to take advantage of their employees' free time. They do so on the assumption that by hiring them, they are doing them a favor, not realizing that the favor is reciprocal. Employees who are afraid of being questioned or losing their jobs are unable to object to the employer's intrusion into their time.
- Undue Pressure
Deadlines placed under undue stress are an excellent approach to ensure that work is completed on time. When staff is under a lot of pressure, they will sacrifice quality for on-time delivery. Giving an employee a one-day deadline for a project that would typically take a week is an example of unfair pressure.
- Nepotism
This is a sort of workplace corruption that occurs often. Because of another employee who is a family friend, family, or friend of the boss, an employee who has been working hard for years while affecting company growth may be passed over for a promotion. Employee morale suffers as a result of situations like these, and brilliant people may be tempted to depart.
Techniques for Avoiding Unethical Conduct
- Establish stringent policies
The company's policies should be stringent. In fact, the company's rules and regulations should be explained to the new members by the leader. If someone disobeys the rules and you discover unethical behavior in the workplace, you should warn them, and if the error is serious enough, that person will be fired.
A surprise audit by management is something that should be done from time to time. As a result, workers will think twice before engaging in unethical activities.
- Make the most of your position as a leader.
Leaders should put forth more effort than their subordinates. As a result, your staff will be inspired by you and attempt to emulate you. Studies suggest that managers in several organizations don't perform any job and instead shout at their staff. It is fairly common to find a case of unethical activity in the office of this type of employer.
- Appreciate the hard work and loyalty
This is one of the essential factors that might help to avoid unethical behavior at work. Getting loyal employees is becoming increasingly difficult. If someone works diligently to achieve a goal, their efforts should be recognized. Employees that work well should be rewarded with a bonus, a present, or an extended holiday. As a result, they will realize that their efforts are valued by the organization, and they will strive to work even harder in the future. Others will compete for honor and recognition as well.
- Choose the best candidate
The organization usually selects someone who has strong working skills and a decent education. They should also consider their loyalty, character, and interpersonal conduct. In the majority of situations when unethical activity is seen, such as taking papers or money from the workplace, a group of three or four employees has been identified as being involved in the crime. As a result, choosing ethical personnel will help to create a favorable work atmosphere.
- Invite motivating speakers to your event
Most individuals nowadays are dissatisfied with their jobs since there is nothing fresh to look forward to. In fact, circumstances such as a motivating speech by a well-known figure can inspire individuals to reach virtue by doing the right thing. Furthermore, these programs will instill ethical ideals in your staff and keep them away from unethical activity.
- Make sure your staff knows you believe in them
In the corporate world, don't put your faith in just anyone. You'll learn who you can depend on. Leaders, on the other hand, should treat everyone as though the leader trusts them the most out of everyone else. As a result, others will appreciate your faith in them and work to maintain that trust factor.
In a Nutshell
A perfect company/organization doesn't exist. Negativity will always be there in some form or the other. The organization will undoubtedly flourish if the leader is someone who knows how to get work done from all types of people. And if the leader doesn't know how to treat his people, there's a probability he'll engage in unethical behavior. The rational solution is to receive behavior training from an expert.