How To Resolve Conflict In The Workplace?
The Facts
Workplace conflict refers to a kind of disagreement happening within the same workplace or between employees, or administrators, especially clashes outside working hours. It is a broader term used to describe numerous conflicts that are often dealt with independently, such as labor conflict and workplace disputes. Outside those two kinds, however, workplace conflict can arise amongst co-workers without managerial intervention.
Effective Ways to Resolve Workplace Conflict
In the day-to-day life of an individual, conflict is unavoidable. When they do occur, the goal is to resolve and handle them efficiently rather than try and prevent them. According to the latest statistics, it can cost companies approximately $41.5k extra each year due to decreased productivity and output that is caused due to frequent workplace conflicts.
A workplace feud may commence with a disagreement over business methods and progress to shared dislike, or the two persons may hate each other from the start. People will be able to put their differences from becoming significant problems if they use the proper management solutions for conflict resolution.
There are two types of workplace conflict. First, when individual opinions, choices, or behaviors closely associated with their employment clash. And second, when two people naturally do not like each other. The latter is also known as a clash of personalities and ego.
This clash of ego is the most prominent cause of workplace conflict, as a recent study shows that more than 49 percent of workplace conflicts happen due to this issue. However, if the parties involved in an argument are ready to brainstorm on the ideas collaboratively, a disagreement of opinions can get readily transformed into a fruitful dialogue.
Compromises are sometimes more beneficial for a company than either of the original concepts. In the business world, conflict resolution is critical because it distinguishes between positive and adverse work environments. Hence, if you are contemplating what measures you should consider taking as a company owner to deal with conflict? Here are a few strategies for dealing with and resolving problems in the workplace:
- Determine the root cause of the issue
Interpreting the source of conflict is the fundamental step toward addressing it. You should effectively comprehend how the problem began in the first place if you wish to determine the underlying problem of the conflict. Also, you can better persuade both parties to agree if you know the origin of the problem.
However, to do so, you should effectively talk about the distinct requirements of the conflicting parties that are not getting fulfilled. In addition, You should also guarantee shared understanding. Make sure you get as much detail as possible about the point of view of every person involved. Continue asking questions until you are sure that all the involved parties are on the same page.
- Look for a private space to talk with individuals
To have a meaningful discussion, you must first establish a comfortable environment in which to communicate. This sort of atmosphere also allows you to take the associated risks for clear communication about the problems at hand.
Establish a comfortable and confidential place to speak before trying to resolve any conflicts. Never go either to the employee workstation or a location where other people can overhear your conversation. Also, while you are at it, make sure that each defendant has enough time to express their thoughts on the issue.
- Listen intently and give everyone a chance to converse
Upon calling both members in a guarded and confidential location, allow each of them to express their thoughts and perspectives on the subject matter at hand. Allow each person a similar time to voice their feelings and opinions without privileging one person over the other.
While still in the discussion, embrace a positive and confident attitude. Fix the ground regulations if required. By employing this route, you will motivate both members to express themselves clearly and honestly. Also, this will allow you to fully understand the root causes of the conflict and come up with solutions.
- Closely inspect the conflicting situation
Take the time to review the matter after listening to the concerns of both parties. You must never make a judgment or make a final decision based on what you have. Discover more about the events, the involved parties, their problems, and their feelings by putting in an effort.
Have a personal and comfortable conversation with all those affected, and pay attention carefully to ensure you understand their perspectives. You can do this by restating their assertions and interpreting them. Also, look for any inherent points of conflict that may not be obvious or noticeable initially.
- Find various methods to fulfill the shared goal
While managing workplace conflict procedures, you should have a pervasive purpose to resolve the matter and prohibit it from resurfacing. And, to overcome any significant issue, you must first understand the various phases of dispute.
This will assist in finding the perfect ways to achieve the shared goal. You must spend time with both groups and consult the common ways you can implement to meet the collective objective of successfully resolving the topic at hand after addressing the source of conflict, interacting with both parties, and investigating the situation.
- Try to find a middle ground in every discussion and identify the roles of each individual
To avoid conflicts at your workplace, you must ensure that employees will find it simple to communicate with each other. Also, the employers in a company must make an effort to make the employees understand that they share the same goal: to achieve their set business and personal goals.
Hence, after looking into the cause of disagreement and assessing options for addressing the issues, both sides should always be on the same page. And, to support the ethical viewpoint, you should first determine which alternatives each side can agree upon coherently.
Decide the roles and obligations of each member in resolving the situation after that. It is also essential to take advantage of this opportunity to identify what is causing the problem and stop it from happening again.
- Examine how activities are progressing and devise future countermeasures
Do not ever assume that a problem is permanent. Within the workplace, efficient communication must take superiority. Hence, evaluate the following question: What would be the second step in effective communication? Fully understanding this will assist you in ensuring that all employees are working towards achieving the workplace objectives. So, keep a watch on the problem and analyze whether the change gets implemented.
If the problem reappears, take the appropriate measures. It's possible that people probably wouldn't agree on everything, that could be a problem. Therefore, you should think about what you can understand from the disagreement and how you managed to deal with it. This will allow you to understand what to do when the issue reoccurs and further create and foster your conflict management talents through training.
Conflict is an unavoidable part of everyday life. Numerous disagreements and differences of opinion can happen between you and your loved ones, acquaintances, or co-workers. However, there are several conflict management styles used to warrant that such problems never become uncontrollable.
At work, managing and settling disputes are vital to improving organizational objectives. Hence, if you hold this problem of conflict between your superiors, look for the most dependable ways to handle the situation. If you wish to get diverse training or training on resolving conflict at the workplace, Impactly can be the ideal choice.